Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

MMA is the shit. Every time we watch a competition, it’s to scratch some primitive itch left over from cave dude times. We want to see what person or group of people is better at smashing another person or group. We literally get that with MMA and it’s couple with back story straight out of Best of the Best. It’s intriguing as fuck. But for you chumps that can’t get pumped the shit up, I’ve constructed this last minute post to make it clear why you should be pumped the shit up.

                            Rest in peace, Travis

<strong><font SIZE=”2″> TITO ORTIZ VS. FORREST GRIFFIN</strong></font>

We Have A Podcast (sorta)!

Posted: March 4, 2011 in Uncategorized

Hello dedicated fans and enemies.

We(I) have a podcast(sorta). It’s just on youtube right now. Once I get the hang of the shit I’ll submit it to iTunes…and then….the world!

Check it out: HERE!! to hear the sultry tones of my voice, bitching about useless bullshit. Do it.




This holiday season I think it’s important to count our blessings and I witnessed something a few weeks back that made me believe in miracles.

The universe placed me in Wal Mart one lazy afternoon when I saw a “fight” of sorts. It was two brothers fighting in the checkout lane with snacks flying everywhere. What made this so special was that these kids were quite fat. They looked like miniature Brian Dennehys. If I saw something like this on TV I’d call it kitschy and contrived. “No way this would actually happen in real life! I call bunk!” I would surely exclaim to myself. I didn’t think it could get any better…but wait!

"Yeah, that's about right."

The battle of wills between the two seemed to be coming to an anticlimactic end, as the mother of these behemoths finished wedging a mouthful of Funyuns into her stomach and looked to be playing with the idea of parenting. My patience paid off when the Alpha Chub of the two used a tactic that only one with the most agile of girth can accomplish. He thrust his gut into the gut of the other, bouncing him off of a rack of delicious crunchy treats. Shocked and defeated, the belly bumpee slunk down by the tiny lint rollers and Salted Nut Rolls as the belly bumper furrowed his chubby little brow, and cocked his doughy fist back, waiting for the next move.

Fat kids brawling in between two snack racks, with the classic belly bump as the finishing move. Miracles happen. Happy holidays.

Brainmush: The Returnening!

Posted: October 10, 2010 in Uncategorized

Hello public,
After a lengthy hiatus, I’ve decided to return and regale you all with entries involving my interests.
Give it a read.
Spread the word.


The Mush

Posted: July 25, 2008 in Uncategorized

This is the kick off to my web log.

It’s gonna be filled with news, ladies, stories, and anything else I feel is important (which means it should be important to you people) so check back often and get a load of my opinion. And maybe a wet nap to clean up afterward.